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We, the participants of the 7th Asian Youth Day held in Jogjakarta, Indonesia from August 2-6, 2017, are the millennials. We face problems and challenges in living our Catholic faith and live in a globalized era that impacts our life. Rapid technological advances give rise to consumerism, addictions, and loss of our own identity because of the fading culture. We cannot avoid modernization. Some of us may lack confidence in living our own faith. Due to pressures arising from intolerance and feeling left behind, we lack intimacy with God and His creation. We feel like we do not have enough support from different sectors of society. Therefore, as the Catholic youth of Asia, we need the chance and space to be heard and noticed.

Despite the challenges we face, we have the capabilities to overcome them. These qualities play an important part for the continuity of the Catholic faith. As youth we are empowered by the Holy Spirit which gives us the energy and fire to spread the Gospel in this multicultural world. We are the front liners. We are armored by our talents, bravery, compassion and determination. These qualities are the assets that are needed by society to respond to the challenges that the world is facing.

During this Asian Youth Day, we discovered that we have passion burning within us, a desire to impact the world, and to make our own mark. We saw how it is to live in a society where we speak different languages and practice different faiths especially during the moments we shared with more than a hundred Muslim youths. These multicultural encounters helped us to see our faith in a new light. It fanned the flame of our passion. We hope that through the Holy Spirit we will be able to set the world ablaze. However, that same fire if not guided can become uncontrollable and harm others. Thus, it is important to receive help in perfecting our skills and putting it to good use.

We implore the help of our pastors and our animators to be good role models and bring us to realize that our passions can be useful. Pope Francis reminds us, “Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you. Do not be afraid to dream of great things.” Our love for life and knowledge can result in great things, but it must be rooted in our faith and in the Spirit of God for it to truly make positive impact in the world.

In the past week, we have felt the importance of community, especially as young people trying to live out the Catholic life. We are all young, joyful people. To live a joyful life, we cannot do it alone. With Christ in our hearts and a community to support and encourage us, especially during the times when we are challenged, we will be more confident and secure in our faith. Youth need fellowship. Jesus himself shares the source and summit of our faith over a community meal. A reliable community will strengthen and unite us in our faith, and hence, grow closer to God. When we go home, we can inspire our families and friends to join us in our journey and experience the Gospel. We want to know God with the help of our relationships and various activities like studying the bible, attending Mass and serving the community.

In this multicultural Asia, where we live amongst different religions, languages, ethnicities and customs, it is important for us to step out of our comfort zones and reach out to those who are different from us. Jesus taught us to love unconditionally. We want to bear witness to the same Spirit of Love that he showed us. This includes caring for our common home according to the challenge of Laudato Sii. We will take the steps to communicate with others by going out to meet them where they are, and seeking to understand more deeply about their cultures. We will act as the facilitators and animators of unity, creating a bridge to love and respect those of different cultures.

Additionally, since technology and social media has become such an integral part of our lives as young people, we will use these tools responsibly to spread positivity and goodness rather than negativity and hate, share the word of God, and inspire others. Through this we can keep the fire within us alive, and light up the hearts of those around us.

God is our joy and our hope. We know that through His grace, we can inspire others by living the joy of the Gospel in our diverse and ever-changing societies to create a world of love, harmony, and unity as missionaries of joy.

August 6, 2017, Dirgantara Air Force Academy, Jogjakarta, Indonesia

Brenda Lynn Julianose, Malaysia
Frederico Rodrigues Pereira, Timor Leste
Michaela Ruth Calulut Gallardo, Hong Kong
Michael Sawung Aji Pamenang, Indonesia
Mark Zeus Quinto, COYA
Ngyuyen Thi Thai Hang, Vietnam


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